

OUTRIGGER Fiji Beach Resort (FOR)

Management Leadership Training

As we know, investing in leadership training and development has a significant positive impact on our business. Training was specifically selected to address FOR’s need for further growth and designed around two key areas: Power of Positive Awareness and the Emotionally Intelligent Leader. Training was held on January 27 and took the opportunity to include Australian team members Lauren Jasprizza and Ben Johnson. It was a full day of training conducted by Pure Magic International Trainer Caryn Walsh.

OUTRIGGER Maldives Maafushivaru Resort (MAM)

Human Trafficking Awareness Training

BY URMILA SHRESTHA — Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of humans against their will for sexual exploitation, forced labor, modern-day slavery, forced street panhandlers – “beggars” or the removal of organs in some cases. It could happen to anyone regardless of race, age, gender or place.

Therefore, Human Trafficking Awareness Training provides an important foundation for individuals, first responders, law enforcement, service providers, educators, businesses and others to recognize the indicators of human trafficking and learn how to respond appropriately. Also, being one of our major ESG goals to achieve 100% of all OUTRIGGER hosts to complete this training every year, we have completed this at MAM with great involvement from hosts and management.